CLUB PROGRAMME FOR September 2023 – June 2024Last Updated: 23rd April 2024 Please keep checking this page for any changes to the programme. Any changes, since the last update, will be highlighted in GREEN text.Please visit\login to the Members Only section, to download a copy of the programme in PDF format Viewing Competitions Over ZoomFor competitions, only the competition secretary’s & judges microphones will be enabled. All members viewing the competition, over Zoom, will only be able to view and hear the meeting. You will not be able to ask questions or comment etc. Print competitions will NOT be shown over Zoom. Monthly PDI Competitions (Excludes: Dave Addiscott, Whitcombe)Members that would like to enter PDI competitions will need to either email their entries in or give the competition secretary their entries on a USB memory stick with a completed entry slip. Each member may submit a total of 3 images. Full rules can be found in the club handbook. The following rules apply:
If any member does not wish for their images to be possibly selected for external competitions, please could they let the competition secretary know by email. PRINT CompetitionsMembers that would like to enter Print competitions will need to bring in their entries two weeks before the competition date. The prints will be judged on the evening. Each member may submit a total of 3 print. Full rules can be found in the club handbook. The following rules apply:
If any member does not wish for their prints to be possibly selected for external competitions, please could they let the competition secretary know by email. The images displayed in the Zoom meeting\competition will be displayed for members to see only. The judge will be asked to mark based on the prints only.Please send your entries to: competition secretary will confirm that your entry has been received, by email.
A copy of the programme is available to download from the Members Only section of the website.